Frontline Youthwork Update June 2021

Radiate – Has stopped for summer at the moment, as most kids attending were P7  Illuminate

Illuminate – P7’s have been integrated in to Illuminate and have managed really well. This should help transition over summer. There is now 12 or 13 each Wednesday.

Holiday Bible Club will be running in June and July. MJH has been preparing this, it’s going well. Numbers being capped aren’t necessary for this any more, so we could have a bigger group.

TLG has started back up, so that’s a relief for MJH and the school have been relaxed in letting him back into the classroom.

1 to 1 is going well. Outdoor coffee’s and walks are seeing young people being keen to talk.

Police in the area have been overrun with Anti-social behaviour in the streets, so MJH has been planning a more hand’s on outreach in the community where this is happening, to offer an alternative for young people.

One of the young people has done a good job of the painting of the walls at the church building, and has been keen for a leader to take him under their wing
