Our latest newsletter is now out and available from here. Please read on and give thanks for all God is doing!
Newsletter: 2025 issue 1

Our latest newsletter is now out and available from here. Please read on and give thanks for all God is doing!
General Update
Following discussions with the school head as to how we can further support the school, a weekly lunchtime games session has been set up. This has run for two weeks now and has been well received by the school kids. 54 kids attended the first week and 61 kids attended the second week. This has been a very encouraging start to this new group.
This group continues to go well with a steady group of kids coming along. We are currently looking at Acts. Engagement and interest is high with a good flow of searching questions.
This group also continues to go well with a steady group of young people coming along regularly. We are currently working through Youth Alpha material which the young people are engaging with and questioning well.
The two sessions of SU at Riverbank Primary have been going very well, with good attendance and engagement from the kids. We currently see an average of 38 kids over both sessions.
We have finally managed to get the football sessions restarted in the grounds of the school. It has got off to a slow start numbers wise, however we think that this will change for the better once ‘the jungle drums’ get going round the school that the sessions are on.
This group also continues to go well with a steady group of young people coming along regularly. We are currently working through Youth Alpha material which the young people are engaging with and questioning well.
The two sessions of SU at Riverbank Primary have been going very well, with good attendance and engagement from the kids. We currently see an average of 38 kids over both sessions.
We have finally managed to get the football sessions restarted in the grounds of the school. It has got off to a slow start numbers wise, however we think that this will change for the better once ‘the jungle drums’ get going round the school that the sessions are on.
SU at Northfield continues to go steady with a core number of young people regularly attending.
This new activity which uses the new Tillydrone Cruyff Court is to have its first session today. The recently opened Court is a very popular meeting place for young people and we strongly felt that we should take advantage of the opportunity to meet and reach out to young people.
We are very much dipping our toe in the water on this and are looking at running football or basketball sessions. We will see what activities are a good fit and change with them as necessary. It will also be a good opportunity to invite young people along to the fortnightly Youth Drop-in.
The Drop-in is going well on the whole, while by its nature is not without challenges. Numbers attending remain steady at around 20 – 25 over a session although this is variable. We hope that invites issued at the Cruyff Court Outreach will lead to an increase in numbers.
We are intending to start running the Cage on a Friday, alternating with Cruyff Court/Youth Drop-in. Storage and venue issues have delayed the start;however, it is hoped to have it in operation next week
Summer Mission /Community Week
Preperations are underway and we currently have 60 kids signed up for the Holiday Club
Meet our youth worker Matthew Hamilton. Matthew hails from Newtownards, County Down in Northern Ireland. Matthew is related to Steven Hamilton who was very much the pioneer of our ministry’s initial work in Tillydrone.
The Cage is in action at Seaton Primary Car Park in partnership with Seaton Community Church and the Outreach Bus project, every fortnight on Monday evenings, during the winter months. Also at St Machar Academy after Easter until the October break in term time. and other events like Fusion at Deeside. We urgently need more team volunteers to prevent events being cancelled, so please consider whether you can help out, and pray that the team get a good response from young people as they take the Cage out. See Outreach section at top for more detail.