Out of School Groups

Friday Night Youth Drop-In

The Friday Night Youth Drop-In is currently held twice a month on a Friday night between 08:00 to 11:00 pm. Our aim for the Drop-In is to provide a safe space for young people to hang out on a Friday night, play games (table tennis, snooker, x-box, air hockey etc), chat and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. It has proved to be very popular with the local youth and numbers attending have been steadily increasing.

Cage FootballCage

The Cage is a 2.5m high – 32 sq. m footprint enclosure for the fast and intense game of Panna KO football.  Games are 2-on-2, 2 minutes long, skills-focused and quite different to normal football.  Events last for around two hours and are open to any young person within the P4 to S6 age range.  Individual games are matched according to age.

Football Cage events are run out and about in the Tillydrone community area and are a huge hit, regularly attracting upwards of 40 – 60 young people.  As well as providing a sporting activity with a focus on physical fitness and good health, the Cage games provide a focus on working together, and good sportsmanship.  It has also proved invaluable in enabling us to meet and engage with young people, providing opportunities to make a positive difference to young lives.

One-to-One Support

A small team of volunteers has been formed who meet regularly on a one-to-one basis with young people for a walk, a coffee etc.  The activity opens up a space for young people to speak more freely and directly about issues and life in general.  We have found that some of the best conversations with young people and moments of real growth happen during these times.


Illuminate is a youth group which runs on a Wednesday evening from 7:15 – 8:15 for those in S1-S3.  On average each week we’ll have between 5-10 young people attending the study where we cover everything from books of the Bible to current issues that young people face such as relationships, drugs, alcohol etc.  This is a high point in the week where we all enjoy spending time together, having fun and learning from Gods word.

Young Adults Bible Study

This bible study group runs on a Wednesday evening from 8:30 to 9:30 for those in S4 – S6. The study group was formed at the request of a group of young adults and has proved very popular and produces some very open and frank discussions.

Radiate (Online)

Radiate runs every Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:00pm for children in P4-P7. Radiate runs as a weekly kids Bible club where we play games, sing songs, do challenges, learn memory verses and hear Bible stories. This is a high energy, fast paced group that’s bursting with fun!